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Arnerich Massena Celebrates 30 Years of Building Lasting Legacies


This year, 2021, marks Arnerich Massena’s 30-year anniversary. We have spent three decades implementing and refining our unique, research-driven investment philosophy and serving our clients. We’re excited to celebrate this remarkable milestone, as we also turn our attention to the future and all the ways we can help build lasting legacies for our clients. Here’s to the next 30 years!

Independence, integrity, curiosity, tenacity, and service have been the hallmarks of our business since the firm’s founding in 1991 by Tony and Christine Arnerich and Lisa Massena. From the beginning, we believed that having our interests aligned with our clients made us a better advocate and partner in helping them reach their financial goals. Investing requires the right combination of experience, vision, curiosity, diligence, and passion, applied collaboratively in a forward-thinking manner. This is the legacy we are carrying forward, and we are excited to continue to innovate and discover new opportunities for helping our clients reach their goals and achieve their missions.

Thank you for 30 years of trusting us to steward your wealth and craft your investment strategy. We are honored to have served as a multi-family office for multiple generations of families, helped non-profit organizations grow their assets and achieve their missions, and helped individuals and organizations align their investments with their values. Here’s to the next 30 years of helping you build a lasting legacy.

See below for some highlights of our journey to this milestone, and visit to learn more about what Arnerich Massena has to celebrate after thirty years in business.