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Arnerich Massena Makes Giving Guide Donations to Three Charitable Organizations: Fly Fishing Collaborative, Shooting Star Foundation, and the Assistance League of Greater Portland


This year, we wanted to honor the spirit of giving with a unique project, and asked our clients and friends to submit the charitable organizations they care deeply about in order to build a collection that can serve as a philanthropic resource. The result, the Arnerich Massena Giving Guide, is a truly remarkable collection of organizations that have collectively made far-reaching impacts on countless lives.

In addition to offering this resource to generous souls seeking to give this season, we did some of our own holiday giving. We randomly selected three organizations from the guide, donating $1,000 to each. The selection process was wonderful; we put all the names in a box and then visited three random employees, asking them to make a selection. You can see photos of the process below, but more importantly, here are the three organizations chosen and a little bit about why they were submitted to the Giving Guide:

Fly Fishing Collaborative: The Fly Fishing Collaborative is a locally based non-profit organization that mobilizes the fly fishing community to create sustainable solutions to human trafficking. Their main focus is on building sustainable aquaponics farms in some of the darkest areas of the world, providing food and an income source for women and children who are prone to enter human trafficking conditions due to lack of resources. Their farms also contribute to the effectiveness of organizations that work to save children’s lives and give them hope for a better future.

Shooting Star Foundation: The Shooting Star Foundation offers help and hope for families of children with special needs. They provide financial assistance to local families who are unable to afford the consistent therapy needed to better ensure a productive adult life for their child with special needs.

Assistance League of Greater Portland: This is one of 120 Assistance Leagues across the nation, each one developing philanthropic programs to meet the needs in the local community. The organization’s programs benefit children and victims of violence, as well as offering a scholarship for students pursuing a trade school education. Operation School Bell®, their signature national program, serves over 300,000 children each year.