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Arnerich Massena Publishes New White Paper: Impact Investing: Why, What, How


“The Global Impact Investing Network reports from their 2017 Annual Investor Survey that there is now at least $114 billion of impact investing assets under management and that impact investing is growing by about 18% per year,” begins Arnerich Massena’s newest white paper publication: Impact Investing: Why, What, How. In this publication, the authors help investors navigate through the sea of acronyms associated with impact investing – SRI (socially responsible investing), ESG (environmental, social, governance), CSR (corporate social responsibility), etc. – to understand:

  • Why global trends and demographics are creating impact investment opportunities
  • What comprises impact investing, and the different flavors available to investors
  • How investors can incorporate impact investing into their portfolios

Arnerich Massena began researching, studying, and making ventures into sustainable and impact investing back in 2009, and this marks the firm’s third white paper on the topic. “We’re excited to see the concept take root and begin to attract widespread attention,” the paper notes, “as we saw then and continue to see compelling investment opportunities in this area. Impact investing is more than a buzzword; it’s a lens through which we can make intelligent and forward-looking investment decisions… We believe that investors can use their investment dollars to make a positive impact while potentially enhancing the performance characteristics of their portfolio.”

CEO, co-CIO, and co-author Tony Arnerich has championed impact and sustainable investing for nearly a decade, based on a keen understanding of the demographic shifts the world is experiencing. “The population growth around the world, coupled with the growing middle class in developing nations, has resulted in unintended consequences, and private capital is needed to deal with these issues,” he says. “Fortunately, there are wonderfully innovative entrepreneurs finding solutions and creating highly attractive investment opportunities. For a while now, it has seemed evident to me how much opportunity there is in investing in ‘what the world needs.’ I’m excited to share that perspective, and glad to see it taking hold in the investment community.”

“Our research team has developed a complete multi-asset class strategy focused on impact investing, and we offer a menu of impact-oriented investments to fit different investor profiles and portfolio needs.” Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA, co-CIO and co-author remarks. “Building on our ten years of researching impact and sustainable investments and our proprietary due diligence process, we offer our clients access to impact investing in a thoughtful, disciplined manner. This paper helps set the stage for investors to better understand the opportunity set and thinking behind the investment thesis.”

A downloadable version of the white paper is available below.