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Arnerich Massena’s I AM Learning Partnership begins summer programs


We are excited to update the Arnerich Massena community about the I AM Learning Partnership summer programs. There was limited ability to utilize school facilities this year due to continuing COVID restrictions, but we were able to secure a great summer space and are very busy getting ready for this special session which will commence on Monday, June 21. Below is a description of the past and present formats for our summer program and some exciting developments in this year’s program!

I AM Literacy, Math Enrichment Summer Program

The I AM Learning Partnership traditionally hosts a free, six-week Summer Literacy and Math Enrichment Program at Irvington School including meals and transportation support. This program generally services around 40 students who are rising 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders from Irvington, Sabin, and Boise-Eliot Schools. The overarching objective in our summer literacy and math program is to align curriculum with school staff and administrators to create a foundation of success year to year for underserved students. I AM also engages the assistance of local area non-profits, such as Reading Results and PlayWorks in our summer sessions. Our combined efforts strengthen critical academic and social skills along with serving to arrest the ‘summer slide’ that many students experience during these months.

In addition, I AM embeds a variety of enrichment activities throughout each day to foster connection and engagement for the students — story tellers, yoga, dance, and theater as well as a variety of nature and craft activities. I AM often weaves a theme into each summer session, to sustain interest and further enhance the learning process. This summer, the theme will be around labyrinths and movement therapy as tools for mindfulness and stress release. I AM has engaged Erika Ruber from Emerge Movement to work with our students: “Emerge Movement is a totally unique experience because each class is based fully in the present moment. I create all my choreography in the moment based on the intersection of the energy that the group brings and flow of the music, allowing the movements to emerge through my playful and joyous approach.”

In 2021, due to COVID restrictions, I AM will conduct its summer program at a local church, hosting approximately 16-20 rising first graders from Irvington school along with a handful of second and third graders who have been referred to the program by Irvington staff and administration. The decision was made to conduct in-person instruction and enrichment for these students to provide a runway for successful transition to direct instruction in school in the fall of 2021. The intention was to serve a population of students who were not included in the PPS summer fifth quarter for 2021, providing additional support for this grade level.

I AM Is looking so forward to welcoming these students this year and creating an active, fun, and enriching summer learning experience for them! Thank you always for your continuing support for these incredible young students.