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Arnerich Massena’s Melody Behnke Profiled in Investor’s Business Daily


In “Thanks to Her Military Training, An Advisor Gets the Skills to Succeed” Investor’s Business Daily contributor Morey Stettner shares his insights from interviewing Senior Investment Advisor Melody Behnke, MBA, CFP®. “For 26 years, she served in the Air National Guard. She retired from the military in 2009 at the rank of lieutenant colonel,” he writes. ”While Behnke always considered herself a disciplined hard worker, her early years of military experience elevated her game.” In the article, he details some of the ways her military experience has contributed to her success as an investment advisor

“’From basic training and technical school to officer training, I learned attention to detail,’” Melody is quoted as saying. “For instance, she used a ruler when making her bed to ensure she followed precise instructions,” Stettner notes. How does this translate to her current job? “She credits this grueling military experience with helping her relate to clients with attentiveness, compassion and a focus on finding solutions.” Other takeaways include organizational skills, discipline, accountability, and leadership. Melody explains how some of the habits she developed keep her on top of all the details she needs to best help her clients: “’For my quarterly client meetings, I created a 25-point checklist that helps me prepare,’ she said. ‘From tax planning to cash flow needs to estate planning, it helps me cover everything so I don’t miss any steps.’”

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