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Donate blood at Arnerich Massena’s Red Cross Blood Drive on September 8th


“Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.” But, says the Red Cross, “only 3 percent of Americans donate blood.” One blood donation can save as many as three lives, and that’s why Arnerich Massena is hosting a Red Cross blood drive at the Liberty Centre on September 8, led by Karl Hausafus, JD, who recently reached his 7-gallon milestone and joined the Board of Directors for the Red Cross’s Cascades Region.

“That such a simple thing can make such a huge difference is inspiring,” Karl explains. “Why not save a life if you are able?” He has organized successful Arnerich Massena blood drives in the past, and says one of the best parts about sponsoring a blood drive is the opportunity to welcome new donors. “If you’ve never done it before, this is a great time to start,” he says. “It’s easy to do and there’s no better feeling than knowing that you’re helping in such a profound way.”

Need more inspiration? Here are a few facts about blood donation that might inspire you to share some of your red blood cells:

  • More than 4.5 million patients in the U.S. and Canada need blood transfusions each year.
  • If only one more percent of Americans gave blood, blood shortages would disappear.
  • A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.
  • Donating blood burns up to 650 calories per donation!
  • According to a study in 2016, donating blood can help manage hypertension.
  • There is no substitute for human blood.

And a final incentive; anyone who donates at the Arnerich Massena blood drive is entitled to a free haircut at participating Sports Clip locations!

To schedule an appointment at our blood drive, contact Karl Hausafus at 503.808.9517 or or visit and enter the Sponsor Code: LibertyCentre. Or click the QR code above to go there directly.