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Investment Trends to Watch for in 2024: The videocast


The social and economic turmoil and upheaval of the past few years has realigned the world into new demographic and social categories. As people access information from different places and are faced with social media echo chambers, propaganda, dis- and misinformation, politicized news sources, and deepfakes, we are seeing things unfold from very different angles. Information is being slanted to both fit and create our understanding of reality. And how you view the world and understand reality will likely impact how you invest in it.

Each year, Arnerich Massena’s research team puts their collective heads together to envision what the future might hold, and which trends are likely to take shape. This year, we look at unfolding events from different perspectives as investors become participants in shaping their reality. We recently published an article outlining investment trends to watch for in 2024, available here. Now, we are pleased to bring you the story in videocast format.

Everybody sees their slice of the world, but nobody has access to the whole reality. And the reality you choose is going to impact the future we create. In this videocast, Senior Research Analyst Arthur Coyne, CFA, and Director of Communications Jillian Perkins share the story of Arnerich Massena’s Investment Trends to Watch for in 2024: Choose Your Own Reality.

Watch the full videocast above, on YouTube here, or listen to the podcast on SoundCloud here.