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New podcast: Tax Planning 2020 – Planning ahead for potential upcoming tax changes

An interview with senior wealth strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP on how to plan now for upcoming tax changes

“There are a lot of moving pieces in the federal tax world right now,” begins senior wealth strategist Glen Goland, JD, “with signs of future tax increases all around us, I’m grateful to have a chance to help our clients get out in front of some of these things.” He’s been paying careful attention to existing regulations and codes that are scheduled to sunset in upcoming years, and to political winds that could move those changes even sooner. There are actions investors can take now to prepare which may mitigate any negative effects as well as take advantage of existing low rates in certain areas that are likely to increase shortly.

Senior advisor Melody Behnke, MBA, CFP® interviews Glen, covering everything from income taxes to capital gains to estate taxes. In this 20-minute podcast, you’ll learn why it may make sense to convert retirement savings to a Roth, how you may want to adjust your gifting strategies, and ideas around managing highly appreciated assets.

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