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Upcoming Events and Relevant Resources

What's happening at Arnerich Massena? Below we share our upcoming events and relevant resources you may find interesting.

Seeking Asymmetry: What the Hedge & Diversifying asset class brings to a portfolio

Arnerich Massena is pleased to announce the publication of a new white paper: Seeking Asymmetry: What the Hedge & Diversifying asset class brings to a portfolio. The white paper examines the benefits of the Hedge & Diversifying asset class, how it fits into a portfolio, and why investors should consider incorporating it into a long-term asset allocation strategy.

Investor sentiment around hedge funds varies based on the market environment; it can be challenging to recognize the value of hedge funds during strong bull equity markets. But we believe the Hedge & Diversifying asset class adds stability and downside protection, and can be a valuable addition for some investors when used appropriately. In this paper, we share our data and reasoning for utilizing this asset class, as well as outlining how we make use of Hedge & Diversifying investments in our portfolio construction.

Read the paper here.

He Trades, She Trades: How men and women invest differently, and what we can learn from each other

Arnerich Massena is pleased to announce the publication of a new white paper, He Trades, She Trades: How men and women invest differently, and what we can learn from each other, which explores the body of research about gender influence on investment styles and outcomes, discussing how investors can create the best of both worlds by adopting a balanced strategy.

As individuals, we all have a unique perspective on the world and approach to making decisions and taking action. Our personalities, life experiences, and preferences all play into our financial behaviors and choices. Investing has both analytical and emotional aspects to it, and we each find a different balance as we make decisions. But multiple studies show that there are definite trends in how we invest that show up typically along gender lines. Examining the findings of these studies, polls, and papers is valuable, as it can help us understand the factors that influence our own investment behavior and learn where we may be able to adopt different tools that can make us better investors.

Read the paper here.

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Reegan Rae Interviews Serilda Summers-McGee

The theme for Women’s History Month this year, as determined by the National Women’s History Alliance, is “Women who advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion.” This is why we reached out to interview Serilda Summers-McGee, MBA, M.Ed, the founder and CEO of Workplace Change, which is at the forefront of embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion within human resources services. We could not think of a better individual to shed insight and inspiration on this topic, and so to honor Women’s History Month, Co-CEO and Managing Principal Reegan Rae, CPWA®, sat down with Serilda to hear her story and learn about her work. Listen to the podcast here.

Recent Resources and Publications

The social and economic turmoil and upheaval of the past few years has realigned the world into new demographic and social categories. As people access information from different places and are faced with social media echo chambers, propaganda, dis- and misinformation, politicized news sources, and deepfakes, we are seeing things unfold from very different angles. Information is being slanted to both fit and create our understanding of reality. And how you view the world and understand reality will likely impact how you invest in it.

Each year, Arnerich Massena’s research team puts their collective heads together to envision what the future might hold, and which trends are likely to take shape. This year, we look at unfolding events from different perspectives as investors become participants in shaping their reality. Read our article, Investment Trends to Watch For in 2024: Choose Your Own Reality here. Or watch the videocast presentation here.

The Government Accountability Office has recently warned that the U.S. federal government faces an “unsustainable long-term fiscal future.” As interest rates rise, so does the cost of servicing the large national debt, and the government shows no signs of reducing its annual deficit to curb the issue. In this Research Focus podcast, Co-CEO and CIO Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA, and Senior Research Analyst Arthur Coyne, CFA, take a deeper dive, exploring the issues around growing deficits, rising interest rates, and inflation, and discussing the potential remedies and their impact on the investment environment. Watch here.

The headlines have been full of tales of a global shift away from the dollar; is our U.S. currency in danger of losing its status as the dominant global currency, and what does that mean for investors? In this Research Focus Videocast, Co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer Bryan Shipley discusses the dollar as reserve currency, what scenarios might play out as countries around the world shift to alternative currencies, and how investors can prepare for the future. Watch here.

Arnerich Massena is pleased to announce the publication of a new white paper: Behavioral Economics: Understanding your unconscious to become a better investor. The white paper examines the findings of behavioral economists, looking at the mental shortcuts and emotional influences behind some of our most inexplicable decision-making, and discussing strategies for improving decision-making logic and processes. Read and/or download the white paper here.

Understanding the fundamentals of private equity investing can help investors become more confident in this environment, opening the door for accredited and qualified investors to access the remarkable opportunities of investing in private companies. Arnerich Massena has decades of experience navigating these markets, and in this paper, the firm lays out a foundation for interested investors. Read more here, and download the white paper pdf here.

Arnerich Massena in the Headlines

Co-CEO Reegan Rae, CPWA, has been awarded the Sandra K. McDonough Place With No Ceiling Leadership Award, which honors one individual for fostering opportunities and support for women in business. Read more here.

Chuck Jaffe invited Co-CEO and CIO @Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA, to join him for a segment on Money Life with Chuck Jaffe to talk about our recent white paper, “Behavioral Economics: Understanding your unconscious to become a better investor,” and to share with the Money Life audience why human wiring seems to get in the way of our own best interests when it comes to planning and investing. Listen here (Bryan's segment begins at 15:45).

How can Millennials prepare for the Great Wealth Transfer? Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, CEPA, weighs in for a GoBankingRates article, here.

Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, CEPA, helps USA Today Blueprint explain the difference between a financial advisor and a financial planner; read the article here.

U.S. News & World Report asked Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, whether a 60/40 portfolio is still appropriate for retirees; read the full article here.

GoBankingRates asked Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, what is the best time of year to max out a 401(k): read his answer here.

Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, discusses the inheritance of debt in Yahoo Finance's "Generational Debt Transfer: Can You Inherit Debt?" Read the article here.

Senior Research Analyst Arthur Coyne, CFA, was quoted in GoBankingRates' article "Inflation 2023: When Will Prices Stop Going Up?" Arthur weighs in on Fed actions - read the full article here.

David Vaughan was named CTO of the Year in the 2022 Wealth Management Industry Awards, and was recently profiled by as part of their series speaking to technical leaders around the world. Read the interview here.

Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, offers strategies to maximize your charitable in the Portland Business Journal 2023 Estate & Charitable Planning Guide. Read his article here.

After the SVB collapse, Yahoo Finance asked advisors how customers can protect their assets. Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, offers his advice in the article; read here.

Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, weighs in on the retirement 4% spending rule of thumb in Yahoo Finance's "Advisors eye whether they should recommend a 4% withdrawal rate in 2023" - read the article here.

Research Analyst Grace Gu helps explain ETFs for Fortune Magazine in "Mutual funds vs. ETFs: A side-by-side comparison." Read here.

How can investors manage inflation? SmartAsset asks advisors around the country and Arnerich Massena Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, adds his two cents in "How Advisors are Approaching Inflation in 2023" - read here.

The Secure Act 2.0 Act has some unexpected benefits, as outlined in Forbes "Be Aware Now: Here's Where SECURE 2.0 May Hand You Unexpected Benefits," which quotes Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP, discussing Roth changes.

"Active vs. Index Funds: Which are Better in a Downturn?" asks U.S. News & World Report, sharing insight from Bryan Shipley. Read the full article here.

Should you take early Social Security benefits? Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, offers some advice in this article from US News & World Report: "Reasons to Take Social Security Early at Age 62." Read here.

The International Business Times explores "What the End of Free Money Means for Investing in Financial Assets," quoting insights from Bryan Shipley discussing the shift and the opportunities. Read the article here.

GoBankingRates asked five financial advisors to share one of their top tips and Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP®, offered his thoughts on the importance of sequence of return risk. Read the article here.

Why is a Roth 401(k) better than a Roth IRA? Glen Goland weighs in for this article in Forbes Magazine.

Medium's Authority Magazine asked Co-CEO Reegan Rae how she thrives in the male-dominated investment industry; in this interview, she shares her journey and insight on what it takes to succeed.

U.S. News & World Report reached out to Co-CEO and CIO Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA, for his views on asset allocation. Read the article, "How to Build an Investment Portfolio," here.

Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, weighs in on why the IRS proposed rule change on Required Minimum Distributions may make a Roth IRA more attractive. Read about it in Yahoo Finance here.

Co-CEO Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA, and Managing Principal, Business Development Ryland Moore were interviewed for an episode of the Real Leaders video podcast about what it means to be a leader in impact investing. Watch here.

Co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA goes "Beyond Public Equity" in this article in the Portland Business Journal.

Q1 2024 MarketCast

View Arnerich Massena's Q1 2024 MarketCast, in which Managing Principal Ryland Moore and Senior Investment Advisor David Janec, FRM, provide an overview of market activity over the first quarter, offering commentary and analysis for Q1. They also look forward, examining the current market environment and outlook, and discussing what that means for portfolio construction. Watch the MarketCast here.

Q1 2024 FYI Newsletter

Read the second quarter issue of FYI, the Inside News from Arnerich Massena's Wealth Management Team for information on navigating Social Security and Medicare, a peek into Arnerich Massena's Investment Committee, a profile on PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center's new Emergency Department, and more. Read the newsletter here.

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