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Arnerich Massena Launches Diversity and Inclusion Committee

CONTRIBUTORS:  Jillian Perkins

Arnerich Massena recently published a white paper about the importance of having gender balance in your advisory team, but we understand that gender is only part of the diversity story. As a firm, we recognize the value of diverse perspectives and how differences in age, gender, background, race, political opinion, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and physical ability (among others) can contribute to greater innovation, better decision-making, and improved long-term outcomes. We are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive culture that recognizes and appreciates the value of all voices. This is why the firm has launched an internal Diversity and Inclusion Committee, tasked with supporting Diversity and Inclusion values and initiatives and providing education and resources for the firm.

We’d like to share a video that for us, encapsulates the purpose and reasoning behind why Diversity and Inclusion is important. This 3-minute YouTube video, Inclusion Starts with I, is a short, sweet demonstration of how unconscious bias shapes our experiences, and how we can all contribute to being more inclusive. Watch here.