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For Earth Day, on April 22: “Invest in Our Planet”


“Invest in Our Planet,” the theme for this year’s Earth Day on April 22, shines a spotlight on how the private sector is essential for driving broad-scale change. “Private sector innovation accelerates the kind of rapid change we need, like nothing else,” notes This year, they are looking toward Environment Social Governance (ESG) standards as a beacon to mobilize positive action. We are excited to see this as a focus, as it is an indication that impact and ESG investing are gaining wider traction and seeing increasing demand. recognizes that ESG and impact investing present an opportunity for investors to do well while doing good: “Studies show a direct correlation between sustainable business practices, share prices, and business performance. Companies who develop strong Environment Social Governance (ESG) standards have better profitability, stronger financials, happier employees, and more resilient stock performance.” Learn more about impact and ESG investing in our infographic, downloadable below.

As our investors know, our efforts are well aligned with the “Invest in our Planet” Earth Day mission. We are committed to good stewardship, through investing, philanthropy, and community service, and demonstrate that commitment with action. Arnerich Massena is a Certified B Corporation®, a global movement using the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. We are also a signatory of the internationally recognized United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, and a member of the Intentional Endowments Network, the leading mission-aligned investing network for higher education and other endowed institutions. The firm is committed to being an important part of helping the local community thrive as well, and is a member of Business for a Better Portland (BBPDX), the Portland Business Alliance, and Social Venture Partners Portland.

The first Earth Day saw 20 million Americans call for greater protections for the planet. Now, reports that more than a billion individuals are mobilized on behalf of the future of the planet, which is cause for great hope and optimism. In honor of Earth Day, we encourage readers to seek out companies that have become B Corp™-Certified, and to support those organizations that have made a commitment to good stewardship and to using business as a force for good. For a directory of Oregon B Corporations®, visit

You can learn more about Earth Day 2022 at