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Watch our Videocast - Volatility: The Price of Admission to Long-Term Returns


Since the beginning of this year, volatility has returned to the markets, and it seems it may be with us for a while. High volatility can be stressful and unnerving for investors, particularly when it’s negative. But for long-term investors who are patient, volatility can help drive better outcomes. Weathering volatility requires setting aside the fear that can drive short-term decisions, and in this videocast, Senior Investment Advisor Dave Janec, FRM, explains how investors can become more comfortable with volatility and put it into the broader context of a long-term strategy.

“What matters more: timing the market, or time in the market?” Dave begins with this question, and dives in to explain how volatility is measured and examine how investors have historically experienced volatility. Videocast viewers will learn why volatility is an intrinsic aspect of investing, and how to weather the short-term discomfort in order to reap the long-term rewards. “Remember that market corrections can be opportunities,” he reminds us.

Watch the full videocast above or on YouTube here.