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Arnerich Massena Publishes “The Right Fit: Why it matters and how to find it”


Choosing an investment advisor is not a small decision. They may be involved with some of the most intimate and important aspects of your life, and could be guiding you through some of your most challenging experiences. How do you find the right partner who will understand your goals, align with your values, and offer the types of services you need? Arnerich Massena’s new paper, The Right Fit: Why it matters and how to find it, outlines some of the major differences you are likely to encounter among advisors, and the qualities and features to assess as you make a decision.

“People don’t necessarily realize how much the ownership structure of an advisory firm can affect how a company operates,” says Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP®. “Who does your advisor answer to ― is it a group of shareholders, private equity investors, or company partners? That matters when it comes to their priorities and serving your interests without conflicts. We want to help people understand the influences advisors might be subject to and how to assess what that means when it comes to how they advise their clients.”

Senior Investment Advisor Matt Sampson, CFP®, CEPA® adds, “Everyone’s needs are different, and their advisor should be a match in terms of their goals, their investment preferences, and even their communication style. We just want to provide people with the right questions to ask to get to that perfect fit.”

When it comes to finding an investment advisor, the question should not just be “which is the best investment advisor,” but “which is the best investment advisor for me?” Read and/or download the white paper at to read about what we’ve learned over more than 30 years about what makes for a good fit, and how clients can make that determination.