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Arnerich Massena White Paper Retrospective


If you’ve missed any of Arnerich Massena’s white papers recently, now’s a great time to get caught up. Our goal is to educate and empower investors; below, find links and descriptions to some of our recent investment education resources.

Seeking Asymmetry: What the Hedge & Diversifying asset class brings to a portfolio

Investor sentiment around hedge funds varies based on the market environment; it can be challenging to recognize the value of hedge funds during strong bull equity markets. But we believe the Hedge & Diversifying asset class adds stability and downside protection, and can be a valuable addition for some investors when used appropriately. In this paper, we share our data and reasoning for utilizing this asset class, as well as outlining how we make use of Hedge & Diversifying investments in our portfolio construction.

He Trades, She Trades: How men and women invest differently, and what we can learn from each other

As individuals, we all have a unique perspective on the world and approach to making decisions and taking action. Our personalities, life experiences, and preferences all play into our financial behaviors and choices. Investing has both analytical and emotional aspects to it, and we each find a different balance as we make decisions. But multiple studies show that there are definite trends in how we invest that show up typically along gender lines. Examining the findings of these studies, polls, and papers is valuable, as it can help us understand the factors that influence our own investment behavior and learn where we may be able to adopt different tools that can make us better investors. The paper dives into the research on how men and women invest differently, including a discussion on drawing from the best of both worlds to craft a balanced approach.

Behavioral Economics: Understanding your unconscious to become a better investor

Traditional economic theories hinge on modeling a hypothetical individual who is perfectly rational and self-interested, but it turns out human beings are messier, with often-flawed reasoning and illogical decision-making. Over the last few decades, behavioral economists have been studying the mental shortcuts — or heuristics — humans use, and the ways emotions can warp our thinking to better understand how to anticipate where people fall short of rational judgment and what we can do to overcome our “bounded rationality,” a term coined by economist and psychologist Herbert A. Simon. Arnerich Massena’s paper outlines some of the most common heuristics — from availability and anchoring to status quo bias and the sunk cost fallacy — discussing how they operate and affect investors.

Private Equity 101: Understanding the Fundamentals of PE Investing

The complexities of private equity have acted as an obstacle for many investors, and investing in public markets alone can be a limiting factor, causing them to miss the opportunities that private markets increasingly represent. Understanding the fundamentals of private equity investing can help investors become more confident in this environment, opening the door for accredited and qualified investors to access the remarkable opportunities of investing in private companies. Arnerich Massena has decades of experience navigating these markets, and in this paper, the firm lays out a foundation for interested investors.