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Rock the Street Wall Street Spring Session Concludes


Arnerich Massena volunteers completed the last session of the Rock the Street Wall Street (RTSWS) spring program at Grant High School. Whereas the winter session focused on delivering financial literacy and investment education to high school girls, the spring program is centered on mentorship and professional development. The RTSWS Club worked on skills like networking, crafting an elevator pitch, resume-building, and career planning. Some students may have become inspired to pursue careers in the financial services industry, but all of the students are better prepared for whatever direction they may choose.

We are so grateful to the RTSWS team for creating their thorough and well-thought-out curriculum, and providing guidance and coordination in delivering the program. Everyone wins in this partnership: Grant High School is able to offer a financial literacy club, Arnerich Massena volunteers find the fulfillment that comes with being mentors and serving the community, and the students develop new skills and a knowledge base in an area of interest.

We would like to thank Madeline Kokes, Grant High School’s Career Coordinator, for championing the club and making it work, as well as Shelah Kelso, the accounting instructor who loaned her classroom and provided support for the program. Thank you to the students for being engaged, interested, and enthusiastic, inspiring us as much as we hope to inspire them. Thank you to the Arnerich Massena volunteers for their dedication to making a difference, and thank you to the firm for investing in the next generation!