Page 24 - AM holiday recipes_2021_sm
P. 24

        1        sticks of butter                               In a large microwavable bowl, melt the butter. Add the
        3 cups sugar                                            milk  and  sugar.  Microwave  for  3 minutes,  stir.  Micro-
                                                                wave for 2 minutes, stir. Microwave for 3 minutes, stir.
        5 fluid ounce-can of milk
                                                                Microwave 2       minutes, stir. Add chocolate chips and
        2 cups chocolate chips                                  stir until melted. Add vanilla and marshmallow crème.
        1 teaspoon vanilla                                      Stir until well blended. Pour into large backing dish to

        1  7-ounce jar marshmallow crème                        cool.

          This is a super, simple recipe for fudge that is always the quickest dessert to disappear when we
                 have family gatherings. It usually doesn’t even make it until dessert is served as family
                      members often start sneaking fudge squares well before dinner is even served.
                          Be sure to double or even triple the recipe as these will be sure to go quick.
                                                                   Have a great holiday season!
                                                                  ~ Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA
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