Page 20 - AM holiday recipes_2021_sm
P. 20

fruit cocktail                                          Drain all the juice from the canned fruit and put it in
        mandarin oranges                                        small cocktail glasses  (us kids would get this).

        fresh banana sliced                                     Make the whipped cream — beat together heavy cream,

        fresh apple cubed                                       vanilla, and sugar to taste.
                                                                Mix all together, chill and serve…
        mini marshmallows (1 bag)

        Home-made whipped cream
        heavy whipping cream

        vanilla (to taste)

        sugar (to taste)

                      This is the one thing if I am not home for the holidays that I still ask my mom to make.
                            In making the whipped cream, the oldest girl got to be the one who mixed it,
                                                              and then we would fight for the beaters!
                                                                                         ~Peg Terry
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