Page 12 - AM holiday recipes_2021_sm
P. 12

Makes 11 popovers                                       Mix flour, milk, eggs, and salt in a large bowl.
        2  cups of flour                                        Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. Butter (liberally) the
        2  cups milk                                            popover pan molds.

        4  eggs                                                 When the oven is hot, place the empty popover pan
        1  teaspoon salt (optional)                             inside  until the butter melts or boils (less than
        1  stick of butter                                      5 minutes).

                                                                Pull the popover pan out and pour the mixture in, filling
        large mixing bowl
        popover pan (with 11 popover molds), cast iron          the molds.
        if available                                            Bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until the top of the
                                                                popovers blossoms upward. DO NOT open the oven
                                                                while baking.

                                                                Pull from the oven and serve while warm.

              Nothing says holidays in our household like popovers (also sometimes called Yorkshire Pudding).
        They are best served almost directly out of the oven, warm and fragrant. The trick in cooking them is to
           make sure the top blossoms up rather than caves in. My sister and I used to argue over who would get
                     the first one out of the tin. They are meant to be eaten by melting butter in the center.
                                                                                        ~ Jillian Perkins
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