Page 17 - AM holiday recipes_2021_sm
P. 17

3  cups Corn Chex™ cereal                               Preheat oven to 250°F
        3  cups Rice Chex™ cereal                               Place butter in the bottom of a large roasting pan. Put in

        3  cups Wheat Chex™ cereal                              oven until butter is melted.

        1  cup mixed nuts                                       Stir in Worcestershire, seasoned salt, garlic, and onion
        1  cup bite-size pretzels

        1  cup garlic-flavor bite-size bagel chips or regular-size   Stir in cereal peanuts, pretzels, and cheese crackers.
        bagel chips, broken into 1-inch pieces                  Bake for an hour, stirring every 15 minutes.

        6  tablespoons butter or margarine                      Allow to cool completely before placing in an airtight

        2  tablespoons Worcestershire sauce                     container to store.
        1          teaspoons seasoned salt
        3  4
                teaspoon garlic powder
                teaspoon onion powder

                                          This has been our go-to snack for the holidays for many years.
                                                    The delicious aroma fills the house while it bakes —
                                                                     we always make multiple batches.
                                                                                     ~Julie Florence
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