Page 13 - AM holiday recipes_2021_sm
P. 13

(Cassava with

                                                                                             Garlic Sauce)

        1  pound of fresh yuca (cassava) peeled & halved        Start by peeling the yuca (cassava) skin and cut
                cup olive oil                                   into medium-sized wedges. Place chopped yuca
        8  cloves garlic minced                                 (cassava) wedges into a large pot and add water
                                                                until wedges are completely covered. Bring to a
        1  small onion sliced rings                             boil and add two teaspoons of salt into water for 5

                cup naranja agria (bitter orange) juice         minutes. Bring to a simmer, cover the pot, and set aside
        1  tablespoon salt                                      for 20 minutes or until yuca (cassava) chunks are soft.
                pound chicharrón (pork belly) or bacon (optional)  In a medium-sized saucepan, add the chicharrónes
        cilantro for garnish, finely chopped                    or bacon and fry until golden brown. Set aside chich-
                                                                arrónes or bacon onto a wire rack or plate with paper

                                                                towel. Sauté onion rings for 3 minutes; then add olive
                                                                oil to saucepan. Bring oil to simmer while adding the
                                                                minced garlic, naranja agria (bitter orange) juice, and
                                                                remaining salt. Stir continuously for five to seven

                                                                To serve, place soft yuca (cassava) wedges onto plate or
                                                                bowl, remove the fibrous core of the yuca, if any, pour

                                                                mojo garlic sauce over the yuca, and add chopped up
                                                                fried chicharrónes or bacon. Garnish with cilantro and
                                                                add salt for taste.

           This side dish was always the star of the dinner table during the holiday celebrations in my family.
                My mother always makes sure that the cassava was boiled to a soft and mushy consistency.
                   Don’t shy away from adding extra garlic and onions. This dish is a great for vegetarians
                                                       without adding the optional pork belly or bacon.
                                                                                  ~ Johny Hernandez
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