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Read FYI, Arnerich Massena's Wealth Management newsletter for fourth quarter 2021


Tax and Estate Changes: Revolution

Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, has an affinity for John Lennon, and finds the lyrics to his Revolution may be helpful in trying to understand what's happening in Washington D.C. on the tax and estate planning front. Read more here.

Ask the Expert Podcast: What is a professional trustee and when might you need one?

“Our role is serving someone in their time of need…What happens before someone dies, what happens upon someone’s death, and what happens if a legacy needs to live on after a lifetime.” In this podcast, hosted by Senior Wealth Strategist Glen Goland, JD, CFP, Greg Bowman, CEO of Northwest Trustee & Management Services explains what a professional trustee does and how they can be of service. Listen on YouTube or SoundCloud.

Practical Planning: End-of-Year Tips, Reminders, and Deadlines

As the end of 2021 is rapidly approaching, the Arnerich Massena Wealth Management team has assembled several planning ideas and tips to help you take full advantage of retirement saving, charitable giving, estate planning, and tax strategies, shared in this article by Senior Investment Advisor Melody Behnke, MBA, CFP. Read more here.

Analytics Update: Analyst Profile: Arthur Coyne, CFA

Meet Arnerich Massena Senior Research Analyst Arthur Coyne, CFA. In this two-minute introduction, he tells viewers a little bit about how he views his role, what he enjoys about it, what challenges investors face, and what investment advice he has to offer. Watch here.

Philanthropy Focus: Arnerich Massena Annual Giving Guide

This is our fourth annual Giving Guide, featuring organizations that have collectively made far-reaching impacts into countless lives. We are honored to share and celebrate their amazing work in our community and pleased to offer this guide as a resource for generous souls seeking ways to give this holiday season. Access the Giving Guide here and download the pdf here.

Partnering in Our Community: Shelly Kapoor joins the board of PICA

Arnerich Massena COO Shelly Kapoor is joining the board of the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA). She is looking forward to being part of helping to expand and grow Portland's local art scene; learn more here.