Page 18 - AM holiday recipes_2021_sm
P. 18

1  cup plus 2 tablespoons of whole milk                 In  a  blender,  blend  milk,  eggs,  flour,  salt,  and  pepper
        2  large eggs                                           until smooth. Let batter stand in the blender container,
                                                                covered, for 1 hour.
        1  large egg yolk

        1  cup of all-purpose flour                             Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
                                                                Take a baking sheet with 1-inch to 2-inch sides and wipe
        1  teaspoon of salt
                                                                it down with oil. Place into the oven for a few minutes
        freshly ground black pepper to taste                    until the oil bubbles a bit. Pour batter onto the hot oil.

        Canola oil to grease pan                                Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the pudding is gold-
                                                                en and puffed. Remove from baking sheet and let cool
                                                                on a baking rack.

                        The family recipe we have had the most around the holidays is Yorkshire pudding.
                                          Yorkshire pudding is cooked together with prime rib typically,
                                                  and it is a yearly tradition to have on Christmas Eve.
                                                                                    ~Vicki Pelich
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